Andy Dalton and his wife, JJ, will host their inaugural 'Night to Pass It On' event on Friday at Music Hall to benefit the Andy & Jordan Dalton Foundation.
The new event will include a cocktail hour, dinner, silent and live auctions and awards program to recognize families who have received Pass It On Fund grants. Three families will be awarded the Courage Award, Inspiration Award and Spirit Award.
"This is a big area that our foundation helps," said Dalton. "The Pass It On Fund provides financial aid where insurance doesn't cover payments of treatment. We've had a lot of success with it and have been able to help a lot of people."

Guests who attend the 'Night to Pass it On' will have the opportunity to mingle with Dalton and other Bengals players. There will be dinner by Funky's and an after party featuring special cocktails from Molly Wellmann, a dessert bar, gaming and DJ.
"We hope the event brings awareness to the foundation and awareness to why we do what we do," said Dalton. "We started off the year with a big chunk of money from Buffalo and we want to continue the momentum and raise a lot of money so that we can help as many families as we can in the community."
The event on Friday runs from 6:30-11:00 p.m. and tickets can be purchased at