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Zac Taylor Honored as "Father of the Year"

Zac Taylor Father of the Year Award

Bengals head coach Zac Taylor was named "Father of the Year" at Talbert House's Fatherhood Celebration at Memorial Hall on Thursday. The event celebrates fathers and raises funds for Talbert House's Fatherhood Project, a program that supports responsible, committed and nurturing dads.

Zac's father Sherwood Taylor introduced him at the event. A video from Zac's wife Sarah and their kids played before his speech.

Zac said he thought a lot about what he wanted to say. "One thing that hits me is what would I want my sons and daughters to say up here 30 years from now about me if they got a chance to stand up here and talk about what fatherhood meant to them. Number one, my dad made me a priority. Number two, I enjoyed spending time with my dad. Number three, I learned how to treat others from my dad, which I think is critical. And number four, I learned how to handle adversity from my dad."

Here is video of Zac's speech:

Talbert House's Fatherhood Project supports dads in strengthening their connection and involvement in the lives of their children through classes, co-parenting and individual coaching and fellowship support meetings. The program offers services in legal, employment and housing assistance. The Fatherhood Project is provided at no cost to participants.
