Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis is nominated by All Sports United for the fourth annual "All Stars of Giving" award. One finalist will be named the "2016 Humanitarian of the Year" and receive $10,000 for his or her charity. The All Sports United "Humanitarian of the Year" award recognizes the efforts of professional athletes and coaches as philanthropists.
Lewis formed the Marvin Lewis Community Fund in 2003 in order to create positive change in Cincinnati. The Fund's mission is to empower youth education in the region and to date has raised over $10 million. In 2015, 90 cents of each dollar raised was reinvested into the community.
Marvin Lewis Community Fund host Hometown Huddle event at William Howard Taft Elementary School in Cincinnati, OH. 10/13/2015

The Fund's Learning Is Cool educational incentive program rewards students for strong academic performance. The program is designed to encourage over 29,000 1st - 8th grade students in Cincinnati Public, North College Hill and Middletown City Schools and 1st – 12th grade students in Covington Independent Public Schools to make the "A" honor roll each quarter. Students who make the "A" honor roll two quarters of the year are invited to a special event where Lewis and Bengals players reward them for their achievements.
To vote for Lewis for the "All Stars of Giving" award, visit: Voting closes on May 15.