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Everything the Bengals Said after Week 4 against Panthers


Head coach

On today's outcome
It's good to get a win. I think there were good things all the way around. Still things we're going to have to clean up, we could have capitalized on there in the second half. But I thought there was really good team football there with defense getting stops, great field position off the punts and offense capitalizing and then vice versa. So, I thought there was really good, complimentary football there over the course of the game.

On being surprised at how close the game ended
I think we had our opportunities to knock it open, and that's what we missed. That's on all of us, quite frankly. There's things I could do better there, to help us do that, but there was an opportunities there to knock it wide open and make it a true three-score game, let our defense pin their ears back and tee off, so there is certainly some room to grow.

On the swing pass at the end of the half
Hold your breath, hold your breath. It's great when it works. And he can see it better than we can from the sidelines, obviously, where that was. Felt like obviously Zack (Moss) had an opportunity to get in there, so happy when it works.

On whether that was the play call or an option
That's just part of the progression there. So, again, you're scheming up plays for normal situations. You're not scheming up with six seconds left in the half, which is about the grayest area you can get to, six seconds left, the ball gets tipped up in the air and the clock runs out. So it worked out for us.

On how badly did you guys need that goal-line stop in the first quarter?
It just gave us a lot of confidence on defense, to get the stop. Obviously, it would have been awesome if we could have found a way to go 99 and score. I think that ball got tipped on third down. I think there was our first non-third down conversion for a long part of the game there. But we certainly had the confidence that we were going to get points on that drive, had that worked out. It didn't but, again, this is what I just talked to the team about. We had a great punt. Defense got the ball back for us, and offense went down and scored. They got the turnover and the offense went down and scored. That's the complimentary football we've been looking for that really showed up in a big way there. Defense getting a goal-line stop, offense getting us out of there, great punt, turnover, touchdown. That's the way it needs to be for us.

On the plan at cornerback and their rotation
Some of it's in game. Some of it's in game, just as the game evolves. I think overall D.J. Turner has really practiced well and very limited opportunities done well. He had the pick against Kansas City that got called back, so sometimes it's about guys deserving an opportunity, not so much about what's happening with other guys. It's more so about D.J. focusing and doing things the right way, and finding a way just to get himself on the field, and I think that's what D.J. has done for us.

On how important is for the offense to stay aggressive and keep pushing the ball when the defense is
allowing points
The first half was a strange one, because the first three possessions we had were backed up red zone, and then we scored in four plays on a third down. The defense was out there obviously getting a lot of normal snaps. Offensively, looking at the normal play call sheet, there was nothing called, and I think our fourth possession was two minute. So you go into halftime with your whole plan, you haven't really gotten a chance to call yet. Just kind of a strange way that that unfolded, but happy we had 21 points there. I thought the offense executed the situations we were in.

On what opened up offensively during the four touchdowns in a row…
No, I mean, it's hard -- I count the first drive. The ball got tipped on what was going to be a conversion there, on that third down. So I felt like we were moving the ball well. I think it was the third-and-four that got tipped. So we had a lot of confidence coming out of last week, had a lot of confidence coming out of Kansas City, so I think there was a lot of confidence and expectations to score. Obviously, there are some things I could have done better to help us there in the second half.

On the encouragement drawn from the number of players who made plays
It is, and there are certainly plays we're trying to target key guys, and then, you know, if they take them away with whatever they are that doing, Joe (Burrow) progresses and finds it to so many people that can make plays for us. I can think of about every guy that was in that game that made critical plays for us in big moments. I'm not going to start listing them because I will forget somebody. I just think we have a lot of good pieces over there, and the line is playing their tails off right now, giving him great protection, so he feels like he can sit back there, call anything, and the run game is starting to take off, and there is a lot of confidence there as well.

On 130 yards on the ground in the second half and the combination of RB Zach Moss and RB Chase
Outstanding. I think they complement each other really well. They can really do all the runs we have. I think the line and the tight ends are doing an excellent job. The receivers are completely bought in on the perimeter. Again, I just think those guys are all playing with a lot of great rhythm right now and a lot of confidence in the run game.

On DE Trey Hendrickson's injury
I think its a stinger so we will find out more about that tomorrow.

On WR Ja'Marr Chase's touchdown
That is what he's capable of. When you can just throw a simple backside end breaker. I believe they were crowding him on that play, if I remember correctly, and Joe had all day to let him clear the window and really get to the backside of the progression. And then for Ja'Marr -- again, I haven't seen it live, but to break all of those tackles and have the contact balance that he has -- it's contact balance and explosiveness, which is so difficult to put all together in one snap. So that's what Ja'Marr did. He starts on the backside of the play, runs an end breaker, great catch, great tackle-breaking ability, great acceleration to go finish the run down the field, enough energy to sprint back to the sidelines. That just speaks to who Ja'Marr is.

On the big play from S Daijahn Anthony
Yeah. Great job. I've seen Johnny Hekker throw a lot of passes in my lifetime. It's always up, it's something we talked about quite a bit. I told him in pregame no passes today, and he didn't really give me information one way or the other on what was going to happen, but that's a great job. That was a key play at a key moment to get over there and get your hand on the ball and make sure that ball gets out.

On P Ryan Rehkow's huge punt in the fourth quarter
Yeah. He stepped up big. I thought the coverage units were really good, too, to be able to get down there, particularly the gunners and go cover those punts. That's pinning them down there and allowing us to capitalize on our next possession. That's a big weapon to have.

On the passing game four games in
There are always things to continue to fine tune. I think the bottom line is we have a lot of confidence and really calling everything off the call sheet. That's in all areas of the game, and especially when you are running the ball like you are, it opens things up. So, again, there's just a lot of confidence there.

On whether this is the best you've run the ball since you've been here
Four games in, that's hard for me to go that far, but I'm pleased with the progress we're making.

On whether this feels like a sigh of relief to you and the team
We know what this feeling is, to win games, and that was the expectation. Every time I've walked off the field, I expected to come away victorious, and it's just good to check that box. I think it's as simple as that. You check the box, and now you move on. We got a great divisional game at home, and so a chance to really capitalize on some key momentum here. So it's going to be a tough test for us, they're a tremendous team. We've had some great battles over the years, and I know our guys are excited to get back at it.



On the swing pass at the end of the half
Yeah. I trusted Zack [Moss] to go make that play. I thought he had enough space. Maybe not my best decision but it worked out for us.

On the diverse offense
I would have liked to have been able to finish it off on that fourth quarter on our own, but we made enough plays to win today.

On the rushing game
Yeah, if we can do that all year, we're going to be one of the best offenses in the league, consistently. So, credit to offensive line and those running backs. Hopefully we can keep that going.

On how much confidence he had in the rushing game at the end
Yeah, I felt confident. Yeah, I wish we would have been able to finish it off on our own in that fourth, but we got it done.

On WR Ja'Marr Chase's touchdown
That was an unbelievable play. He continues to make incredible plays like that. That's just a reminder for me, you've just got to find ways to get him the ball.

On the pass protection on WR Ja'Marr Chase's touchdown
They gave us a pressure look and dropped out of it. Brought one of those guys, and the offensive line did a great job on that play. I could have sat back there for another five seconds if I wanted to.

On the offensive line this season compared to others
I'm not going to go comparing people but I know they are playing really well right now. Excited with where they are at. Really happy with how [Amarius] Mims played today. That was very encouraging. I knew he was going to come out and play well today, but to have that performance against a rusher like that was impressive, so he's just going to continue to get better and better.

On the team stepping up with the number of injuries
That's life in the NFL. It's going to happen, so if you're on the roster you've got to be ready to go because you never know when your number is going to get called, and it usually will get called.

On what lead you to talking before the game
Just felt like I had something to say. I'm not going to go out of my way and be somebody that I'm not, but when I have something to say I will definitely step up and say it.

On what his message to the team was
I'll keep it in there.

On when he decided to talk to the team
I don't know. When we got here today.

On when he thought about talking to the team
Just felt right.

On if he has spoken to the team like that before
I'm not a big pregame speech guy. I get my mind right and try to stay as calm as possible, because emotions are high, pregame. It's an intense league, so I always try to keep myself as low and as even keeled as possible.

On if that shows the importance of the game
I would say that.

On the big defensive stop on the opening drive
Set the tone for the rest of the game. They were driving but they stepped up big on that, those four straight plays, and then we got a couple first downs, able to give them a little break on the sideline. Weren't able to go 99, but we were able to get it out of our own end and flip the field, so that was a big part of the game.

On TE Erick All Jr.
He's going to continue to play a big part. He's a really big blocker, an athletic guy, catches it really well. Just kind of a jack of all trades for us, so he's going to continue to carve out his role, and it will be a bigger role going forward.

On how the defense adjusted
You know, they mixed it up all day. They did a good job of changing looks. Throwing in a pressure here and there. Definitely wasn't easy. Sometimes they clouded Ja'Marr. Sometimes they singled him but they had help inside. I just had to be on my P's and Q's about where are the safeties, what coverages am I going to get, and where was I going to go with the ball, because they were mixing it up pretty good.

On the interception he threw
That was just a miscommunication between me and Ja'Marr on a scramble drill. I'm throwing it to him and as I'm throwing it, he starts running to open field so I don't blame him for that. That was an unfortunate miscommunication. I wouldn't have done anything different. Sometimes stuff like that happens.

On where the team goes from here
Got to go win. Enjoy this one for five hours, go to sleep, come back tomorrow and get better and move on to Baltimore.

On avoiding pressure on the throw to WR Ja'Marr Chase
Yeah, that one -- I was excited about that one. That was why I was so frustrated, because I felt good about that.

On avoiding pressure on the throw to RB Zack Moss
Yeah, you might call me sneaky athletic, Hobbs.

On getting stepped on
Yeah, I got stepped on early. That didn't feel great but nothing crazy.

On if he was still able to do the work
We'll see what it looks like tomorrow, might be a little bruised but nothing crazy.

On the pressure to not go 0-4
It was a big game. We knew we had to come and get one, especially with Baltimore coming to town next week. There really was no other option other than to figure out a way to win this game. We got it done. There is still a lot of room to improve on both sides of the ball and special teams. That's exciting and we got a win but what's most exciting is the opportunity to get better.

On the offenses efficiency in getting 21 points in 10 minutes of possession
I felt like we were not on the field at all that first half. So it was kind of tough, you know, we scored points but it was tough to get a rhythm. We scored so fast or you get a turnover and you score there. Yeah, just didn't feel like we were on the field a ton.

On the offense coming together
Apart from Week 1, we've played at a really, really high level. So that's exciting. By no means has it been perfect, still got a lot of room to improve, I've still got a lot of room to improve. Come back tomorrow, watch the tape, get better, and come back Wednesday, have a great practice and continue to improve our skills.


Running Back

On how he felt after a career-best performance
It's a huge credit to the o-line. They were opening up stuff like crazy today. We probably should have had another 50 yards. There was a huge home run opportunity there that I got tripped up on. Personal stats are one thing but this is a good team win and it took all of us and that's what I want to focus on right now.

On how important Zack Moss' touchdown right before halftime
No doubt. That dude can break tackles and you guys can see it every single game. I see it in practice all the time so I would expect nothing less.

On how important the running game was late
No doubt it was important. They were stacking up the box, they were gapped out. We know what's coming. We play for those moments in those four-minute situations and we know we just want to put points up at the end. The thing is, you keep the rock on our side and kick the field goal to really push on the dagger at the end.

On how much the team needed the win
We knew we needed this one this week, especially going into a divisional game next week. We just want to carry that momentum and that energy into next week and the rest of the season and just continue this style of football.

On how good the offense can be
We're explosive. I mean, we can put up 30 points against anybody. That's our mindset. That's how we feel and it's really good.

Ja'Marr Chase

Wide receiver

On the importance of making big plays for yourself and the team
It was good, we needed some energy. We scored on the first drive so there wasn't no better way for us to come out on the first two drives and execute, we did a great job and was prepared to play.

On giving the football to his dad
I was giving it to my dad so that he could give it to my grandparents. I haven't seen them in a couple of
years and they stay out here in North Carolina, so I just wanted to give them a game ball, especially since I scored today.

On how the offense is finding its identity
We've been moving around, making plays. The team looked pretty good starting out the first half, which is what we needed, someone to keep the momentum up for us, and all around everybody is making plays.

On how badly did they need a win?
We needed a win real bad, I didn't want to be 0-4.

On the offense not only relying on him and Tee (Higgins) but Zack (Moss) and Chase (Brown)
That was big not only for Chase but the receivers too, having to block for Chase, knowing where we have to, set the big hole up for him to finish. It was an outstanding job by the receivers today too



On the first win
One thing I've learned in this league is that a win is a win. Whether it's ugly or pretty, a win is a win. We needed that one, and we need to build on that going into next week.

On getting your first win on the road
Yeah, it's never easy to go on the road and try to get a win. Especially your first win. We came in here and saw a team that beat a good Raiders team last week. We knew we had our hands full like we do every week, and we came out on top today.

On the game plan against Andy Dalton
We wanted to try and limit the running game. He did a good job with trying to get the ball out quick. There was a lot of quick game passing game, and we occasionally took some shots. He did what we expected him to do and at the end of the day we were able to keep him off the board and our offense was able to score more than they were.

On multiple injuries
You have to have a next man up mentality in this league. That's the nature of the game with the speed that we play at for a living. Guys are going to get dinged up in some form or fashion, and you have to find a way to proceed.



On how it feels to get first win of the season
It means everything, amounted relief, but we still have more to grow and build from. This was a great win. The guys feel loose now so it's definitely something to build on.

On what did you see on the interception
I just said to myself please don't drop this ball, but guys did their jobs. Everybody was in place running to the ball trying to make the play. I said why not here? God put me in this opportunity to make the play. Hats off to my teammates and coaching staff today. We went out there and performed.

On does it mean a little more winning here, you guys needed a win but coming here it was a little
something right?

Yeah, it added a little bit to it. I'm a competitor at heart but always grateful for the opportunity that they gave me. For them allowing me to provide for my family, and XYZ. Always grateful to play in this league at a high level for this long, but always competitive at nature, so you always want to get your get back for sure.

On how do you evaluate the way the defense performed on Monday to the way you guys performed
We still have more to go from. We have to get off the field on 3rd downs. They have guys that play at a high level too so you just have to win, especially when you get your matchup. We'll learn a lot from this tape and its going to feel better after a win. We definitely have room for improvement
